Acting course pro

In diesem Kurs werden wir uns neben improvisatorischen Einheiten mit dem Entwickeln von Szenen und Rollen befassen. Wie entstehen Emotionen, Körperlichkeit und wie mache ich diese Widerholbar? Was muss geschehen, dass ein fremder Text lebendig und glaubhaft wird? Ausgehend von eurer Neugier und Bereitschaft, setzen wir uns mit Szenen aus der Film- und Theaterlandschaft auseinander. Dieser Kurs ist eine lebendige Werkstatt, in der wir mit viel Freude, Respekt und Vertrauen einander begegnen, voneinander lernen und gemeinsam ausprobieren.

  • Where is the actor in me
  • How do I prepare a scene
  • How do I develop a character
  • What have I always wanted to try out?

Acting course pro


In this class we will concentrate on the development of scenes and characters, next to improvisational units. How do emotions and physicality come into existence and how do I reproduce them. What needs to happen in order to make an unfamiliar text lively and believable. Drawing on your curiosity and willingness, we will deal with scenes from the fields of both film and theatre. This class is a living workshop in which we treat each other with respect, trust and learn from each other and simply give things a go.

  • Where is the actor in me
  • How do I prepare a scene
  • How do I develop a character
  • What have I always wanted to try out?

Nähere Informationen zu Terminen und Preisen findet ihr auf der Weseite:

Phone: +49 1798393586

Annual acting course

Schauspiel Inszenierungskurs

In this course we have been working together for over a year to put a piece on stage. We are looking for participants who are keen to play and who have the courage to develop characters, explore emotions, make them repeatable and be part of an ensemble. In a weekly training, we deal with various acting techniques and improvisations to strengthen the actor in you and make it ready for the stage.

  • weekly acting training
  • Development and performance of a play
  • Intensive time in France


In this class we will concentrate on the development of scenes and characters, next to improvisational units. How do emotions and physicality come into existence and how do I reproduce them. What needs to happen in order to make an unfamiliar text lively and believable. Drawing on your curiosity and willingness, we will deal with scenes from the fields of both film and theatre. This class is a living workshop in which we treat each other with respect, trust and learn from each other and simply give things a go.

  • Where is the actor in me
  • How do I prepare a scene
  • How do I develop a character
  • What have I always wanted to try out?

Termine: Januar-Juli 2023

Costs: auf Anfrage

Phone: +49 1798393586